With Male Infertility On The Rise, New Study Shows Male Factor Fertility Parameters Can Be Improved With Short-Term Antioxidant Supplementation

A clinical study by fertility care brand Bird&Be shows a 52.2% increase in sperm progressive motility after three months of prenatal supplement support in males with infertility.

TORONTO, Sept. 5, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — A global decrease in sperm quality has led to the surge in male factor infertility, and now contributes to up to 50% of clinical infertility cases worldwide.. This trend translates into more people needing fertility care. Male factor infertility was the primary reason that couples sought IVF in 2022, according to the Canadian Andrology and Fertility Society (CFAS). The CDC’s 2021 data shows male factor as the second most common reason for IVF in the US (behind egg or embryo banking).

Sperm are very susceptible to environmental factors that damage their DNA and have the potential to be improved with lifestyle intervention. Fertility care company Bird&Be shared the results of their first prospective clinical study at Midwest Reproductive Symposium International demonstrating that The Powers for Males + CoQ10 Boost, their preconception supplements for males, significantly improves sperm motility after just three months of consistent use. The study results show the potential of at-home, accessible supplement support to enhance sperm quality in a clinically significant way, as included in the North American Proceedings of Gynecology and Obstetrics.

The Powers for Males + CoQ10 Boost formula was developed by naturopathic and medical fertility doctors, guided by evidence-based published research. The study was led by Dr. Dan Nayot, a reproductive endocrinologist and clinical epidemiologist, in a prospective clinical setting.

“Our research team evaluated The Powers for Males + CoQ10 Boost on individuals experiencing male-factor infertility. Participants took the supplement over a three-month period and saw on average improvement of 52.2% increase in progressive motility and a 35.4% increase in total motility —both important variables for sperm to reach and fertilize an egg,” said Dr. Tracy Malone, ND, Director of Nutraceuticals at Bird&Be. In addition to motility increases, the study also observed a positive trend with 29.6% improvement in morphology. No significant changes in semen volume or concentration were observed.

Improving sperm health in males with infertility is a key step in achieving pregnancy, and motility—the sperm’s ability to get to the egg—is an important variable. The results of this study show that sperm motility can be improved by taking The Powers for Males + CoQ10 Boost after three months. This accessible, low-level intervention can be considered for anyone trying to conceive. 

“Infertility is the only disease where the affected person’s partner is the one treated. In cases of severe male-factor infertility within heterosexual relationships, common treatments like IUI or ICSI/IVF typically place the majority of the physical burden on the female partner. Despite the cause of infertility, it is the female who endures the most significant aspects of the treatment process–injections, hormones, multiple procedures, daily monitoring, bloodwork and ultrasounds,” says Samantha Diamond, Bird&Be’s founder and CEO. “It’s common and well accepted that all females trying to conceive are taking prenatal vitamins, but we don’t hear nearly enough about the male side, who also have the opportunity to optimize. Sperm need as much support as eggs, and it’s important that couples understand that males can and should be as involved as their partners in the journey. By taking prenatal vitamins with antioxidants, and making a few simple lifestyle changes, sperm can benefit significantly, and males can become more active participants as they grow their families.” 

The study was approved by the Institutional Review Board (Veritas 3048-13224-1) and conducted in partnership with The Reproductive Care Centre. Participants diagnosed with male-factor infertility underwent semen analyses both before and after a three-month regimen of preconception antioxidants, with all testing performed in the same andrology lab to ensure consistency. This research highlights that targeted, proactive interventions—such as introducing preconception supplements—can significantly improve key sperm health parameters in a relatively short time.

About Bird&Be:
Bird&Be is a leading reproductive health company dedicated to optimizing fertility outcomes with at-home solutions designed by reproductive endocrinologists, OBGYNs and fertility naturopaths. Their mission is to make reproductive health care accessible, destigmatized, and simplified as they accompany families along the journey to and through parenthood. Discover more at birdandbe.com | @birdbeco.

  1. Eisenberg ML, Esteves SC, Lamb DJ, et al. Male infertility. Nat Rev Dis Primers. 2023;9(1):49. Published 2023 Sep 14. doi:10.1038/s41572-023-00459-w.
  2. Canadian Fertility and Andrology Society. 2023 CFAS CARTR Plus plenary slides V1.5. Available from: https://cfas.ca/_Library/CARTR_2022/2023_CFAS_CARTR_Plus_plenary_slides_V1_5_-_FINAL_website_version.pdf.
  3. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2021 ART Fertility Clinic National Summary Report. Available from: https://www.cdc.gov/art/reports/2021/pdf/Report-ART-Fertility-Clinic-National-Summary-H.pdf.
  4. Di Stefano K, Fitzgerald J, Malone T, Nayot D. The effects of preconception antioxidant nutrients on sperm quality in patients with male factor infertility: A prospective study. North American Proceedings in Gynecology & Obstetrics. 2024 Aug. doi:10.54053/001c.122936.


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