Roc Nation Highlights Proficiency Rates for Pennsylvania Public Schools To Inform Parents & Provide Solutions For Students Seeking Additional Educational Options

PHILADELPHIA, June 11, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Today, Roc Nation outlined the latest proficiency rates from Pennsylvania public schools to help inform parents and provide solutions for students seeking more robust options for education with scholarship support via the Pennsylvania Award for Student Success (PASS).

According to the 2023 Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA), about 75 percent of eighth-grade students in the Pennsylvania public school system aren’t proficient in math while 47 percent aren’t proficient in language arts.

Furthermore, in the bottom 15 percent of Pennsylvania public schools, only 11 percent of students are proficient in math while just 31 percent reached the proficiency level in language arts. In 33 schools across the state, there were no students that met the grade-level, proficiency criteria in math.

To address the growing disparity, Roc Nation has organized several events across Philadelphia – the state’s largest metropolitan city – to educate the public about PASS and the different ways it would provide students (K-12) from low-income households with the financial assistance to attend private schools and pursue their academic dreams.

Through PASS, Philadelphia parents, guardians and caregivers would be better poised to focus on the quality of educational opportunities for their children rather than having that choice be predetermined based on their economic status and the location of their home.

Eligibility for students would be dependent on household income not surpassing 250% of the federal poverty level, which currently stands at $75,000 for a family of four. The PASS program is slated to offer varying scholarship amounts, such as $2,500 for half-day kindergarten students, $5,000 for K-8 grades, $10,000 for 9-12 grades, and $15,000 for students with special needs.

The funds would ultimately be fulfilled by the government from a separate line item and would not reduce the overall budget for public school education programming. PASS also provides an immediate solution to support Philadelphia students and that endeavor would run parallel to all the efforts being made to bolster the city’s public-school education system.

To learn more about PASS, the proficiency rates in Philadelphia and upcoming events in the city, please visit

SOURCE Roc Nation

Originally published at–provide-solutions-for-students-seeking-additional-educational-options-302170081.html
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