Jewish Future Promise Reaches Landmark 50,000 Supporters Amidst Global Challenges

Amplifying Unity And Heritage JFP’s Milestone Underscores A Collective Vow To Preserve Jewish Culture And Identity For Generations With Karen Cinnamon Marking The Significant 50,000th Signer.

ATLANTA, April 3, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — In a monumental milestone in its mission to secure Jewish heritage and values for future generations, The Jewish Future Promise (JFP) today celebrates surpassing 50,000 promisers. In the wake of the October 7 terrorist attacks in Israel and a global rise in antisemitism, this surge of support for JFP underscores the unwavering commitment of individuals, families, and family foundations worldwide to actively supporting Jewish causes and the State of Israel.

JFP is also proud to share that Karen Cinnamon, esteemed author, podcast host, and founder of the world’s largest Jewish wedding media platform, Smashing The Glass, has signed on as the 50,000th signer of the Jewish Future Promise. Named one of the top 100 Influential Jews of 2022 and 2023 in the Jewish 100, Cinnamon joins the impressive roster of influential Jewish leaders championing the JFP, including Noa Tishby, Rabbi David Wolpe, Alan Dershowitz, Modi Rosenfeld, and Lizzy Savetsky. Known for her contributions to the Jewish community, Cinnamon’s involvement amplifies JFP’s mission to safeguard and celebrate Judaism and Jewish traditions, culture, and legacy.

“The Jewish future is a statement of resilience, transforming shame into pride,” Cinnamon said around signing the Jewish Future Promise. “It honors the resilience and strength of past generations and continues their legacy of survival and perseverance. Furthermore, it safeguards the cherished traditions, rituals, and values that have been passed down – l’dor v’dor – and have so enriched my life. I firmly believe it is my duty to impart this profound sense of belonging and connection to future generations.”

Mike Leven, Jewish Future Promise founder, added: “Today, as we mark the momentous occasion of welcoming our 50,000th signer, we are not just celebrating a number; we are reaffirming a heartfelt promise to our ancestors and to our children. In a world where the tenets of our heritage face challenges like never before, each signature is a testament to our unwavering commitment to Jewish culture and identity. This is a call from the heart of our community to stand united and act with urgency. We must carry the torch of our traditions with pride and ensure that the flame of Jewish life burns brightly into the future. This is a sacred duty; our actions today will echo through generations to come.”

JFP is a powerful response to a 2017 study that found a mere 11% of donations from key Jewish benefactors were invested in Jewish causes. The Jewish Future Promise is a catalyst for change and through its efforts, JFP has created an alliance of philanthropic family foundations, individuals, and families to secure over $2.75 billion in commitments to various Jewish causes. JFP’s success is not just measured in numbers but, also through the tangible difference it has made in the lives of countless individuals and the enduring legacy it is building for generations to come.

About The Jewish Future Promise
The Jewish Future Promise (JFP) is a visionary global initiative dedicated to preserving and enriching the Jewish heritage for future generations. The Promise asks signers to make a moral commitment; if any charitable contributions are made upon passing, whether it be $10 or $10 million, at least half will support Jewish causes or the State of Israel. JFP is embraced by notable philanthropists, including Bernie Marcus and Charles Bronfman, who pledged to direct their estate’s philanthropic gifts toward Jewish and Israel-focused causes. Extending its reach, JFP also inspires young adults, through the Jewish Youth Promise for 13- to 24-year-olds, to pledge lifelong engagement with the Jewish community. JFP’s impactful work is supported through partnerships with major Jewish organizations, including the Jewish Federations of North America, JNF-USA, Israel Bonds, the Orthodox Union, and a host of local federations across the United States. For more information, please visit

SOURCE Jewish Future Promise

Jewish Future Promise

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