Global Service Organizations Unite for Fourth Annual “Celebrate Community” Week to Tackle Health, Hunger, Education, and Environment

OAK BROOK, Ill., Sept. 16, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Community service took center stage September 8-14 for the fourth annual Celebrate Community joint initiative from Kiwanis International, Lions International, Optimist International and Rotary International. The project encouraged members of each organization to work together to serve their local communities.

Members of the four volunteer service organizations shared ideas and united to collaborate on projects focused on issues related to health and wellness, food insecurity and hunger, education and literacy and the environment. Efforts included activities such as community cleanups, food donations and distributions, walks or runs to raise money for specific causes and collecting books to help children build personal libraries.

“We are grateful for the opportunity to collaborate with other service clubs through Celebrate Community to build stronger communities worldwide,” said Kiwanis International President Katrina Baranko.

“I am proud to watch Lions and Leos join forces with other service-minded volunteers around the world during Celebrate Community week,” said Lions International President Fabrício Oliveira. “This collaboration highlights the incredible impact we can achieve when we unite our strengths and resources. Together, we are addressing critical issues such as health, hunger, education, and the environment, making a tangible difference in the lives of those in need.”

“This year’s Celebrate Community was a shining example of what can be achieved when service organizations unite,” said Optimist International President Tracy Huxley. “Together, we amplified our impact and proved that collaboration is the key to bringing out the best in youth, communities and ourselves.”.

“When organizations like ours join together and partner with communities to meet their needs, we’re able to achieve more than we ever could on our own,” said Rotary International President Stephanie Urchick. “What’s more, by working together, our participants feel engaged and foster social connections and a sense of belonging, all of which are essential components of mental health and wellness and member retention.”

The joint project also allowed community members serving in different clubs to learn more about each other, their organizations, and their combined efforts to help children and adults challenged by environmental or financial difficulties.

About Kiwanis: Founded in 1915, Kiwanis International is a global organization of clubs and members dedicated to serving the children of the world. Each year, the Kiwanis family of clubs devote more than 7.3 million hours to strengthen communities and help children. Kiwanis clubs sponsor adult and youth leadership programs — including Circle K International for university students, Key Club for students ages 14-18, Builders Club for students ages 11- 14, K-Kids for students ages 6-12 and Aktion Club for adults with disabilities — and conduct more than 241,000 projects. Visit for more information. 

About Lions: Lions International represents Lions Clubs International and Lions Clubs International Foundation. Lions take on some of the greatest challenges facing our communities and the world through the service of 1.4 million members in 49,000 clubs and the grant-funding support of our foundation. We improve health and well-being, strengthen communities and support those in need, locally and globally. At Lions International we are serving a world in need. Learn more about who we are and what we do at

About Optimist: Optimist International, founded in 1919, is a service organization serving youth and communities around the globe. It has nearly 70,000 adult and youth members in more than 2,500 clubs in the United States, Canada, the Caribbean, Mexico, and many other nations throughout the world. Carrying the motto, “Bringing Out the Best in Youth, in our Communities, and in Ourselves,” Optimists conduct positive service projects that reach more than six million young people each year. To learn more about Optimist International, please call 314-371-6000 or visit the organization’s website at

About Rotary: Rotary brings together a global network of volunteer leaders from all continents and cultures who partner with communities to find long-term solutions to the world’s most persistent issues. Rotary connects 1.4 million members of more than 46,000 clubs in over 200 countries and geographical areas. Their work improves lives at both the local and international levels, from helping those in need in their own communities to working toward a polio-free world. For more information, visit

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