(Video) Congressional Hearing on Iran Supports Nationwide Uprising and Organized Resistance

On May 18, 2023, the United States Congressional Iran Human Rights and Democracy and Iranian Women Caucus held a hearing on the situation in Iran and the need to support the uprising that has continued despite the clerical regime’s efforts to quash orderail it.

This bi-partisan hearing was attended by Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the president-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI). Congresswoman Jackson-Lee also praised the relentless efforts of the Iranian diaspora in being the voice of their compatriots.

This bi-partisan hearing was attended by Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the president-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI). Congresswoman Jackson-Lee also praised the relentless efforts of the Iranian diaspora in being the voice of their compatriots.

Congressman Tom McClintock (R-CA), who has recently taken the lead and co-sponsored House Resolution 100, supported the Iranian uprising and Mrs. Maryam Rajavi’s ten-point plan for the future of Iran while rejecting the false concept of return to monarchy in Iran.

Congressman Tom McClintock (R-CA), who has recently taken the lead and co-sponsored House Resolution 100, supported the Iranian uprising and Mrs. Maryam Rajavi’s ten-point plan for the future of Iran while rejecting the false concept of return to monarchyin Iran.

Congresswoman Mace, who spoke next, introduced Mrs. Rajavi, underlining how she “in a moving courage and tireless advocacy for the Iranian people, particularly women, has not gone unnoticed.”

Congresswoman Mace, who spoke next, introduced Mrs. Rajavi, underlining how she “in a moving courage and tireless advocacy for the Iranian people, particularly women, has not gone unnoticed.”

Congressman Ruben Gallego (D-AZ) attributed the support of a bi-partisan majority of the U.S. House of Representatives to Mrs. Rajavi’s “tenacity and determination over 25 years,” which have “generated this kind of bipartisan support and respect.”

Congressman Ruben Gallego (D-AZ) attributed the support of a bi-partisan majority of the U.S. House of Representatives to Mrs. Rajavi’s “tenacity and determination over 25 years,” which have “generated this kind of bipartisan support and respect.”

Other participants of the hearing supported the Iranian Resistance’s efforts, particularly those of Mrs. Rajavi, in being the voice of people inside Iran.

Mrs. Rajavi emphasized that “the uprising that started in September last year changed Iran’s political scene. It did not happen overnight, and women’s leading role did not happen by accident.””


PARIS, FRANCE, May 23, 2023/EINPresswire.com/ — On May 18, 2023, the United States Congressional Iran Human Rights and Democracy and Iranian Women Caucus held a hearing on the situation in Iran and the need to support the nationwide uprising that has continued despite the clerical regime’s efforts to quash or derail it.

This bi-partisan hearing was attended by Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the president-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI).

The US House of Representatives Iranian Women Caucus is co-presided by Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee (D-TX) and Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC). In her opening remarks, Congresswoman Jackson-Lee said: “We’ve all witnessed the courage of women and youth leading the 2022 protests in Iran, calling for social freedom and political change. As stated in the resolution, these protests have continued for more than four decades of organized resistance against the Iranian dictatorship led by women.”

Congresswoman Jackson-Lee also praised the relentless efforts of the Iranian diaspora in being the voice of their compatriots. And she expressed her support for Mrs. Rajavi and her leading role in the struggle for freedom in Iran.

Congresswoman Mace, who spoke next, introduced Mrs. Rajavi, underlining how she “in a moving courage and tireless advocacy for the Iranian people, particularly women, has not gone unnoticed.”

“Ms. Rajavi, your virtual presence here today serves as a beacon of hope and a beacon of light for those who strive for freedom and equality in Iran. Let us also acknowledge the bravery of the Iranian people who have been bravely protesting for their fundamental rights and freedoms, literally putting their lives on the line for freedom. I urge my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to join hands today, rise above partisan politics in Washington, and advocate for the rights of Iranian women and women all over the world,” Congresswoman Mace added.

In her remarks, Mrs. Rajavi emphasized that “the uprising that started in September last year changed Iran’s political scene. It did not happen overnight, and women’s leading role did not happen by accident. The uprising was the culmination of more than 40 years of struggle of the Iranian people and Resistance, and the outcome of women’s role women in the leadership of the Resistance.”

“People refuse to tolerate the current status quo, and the situation will never return to pre-September 2022. The Iranian people desire a democratic, secular, and non-nuclear republic,” Mrs. Rajavi added.

Finally, Mrs. Rajavi urged all governments “to recognize the Iranian people’s struggle to overthrow the regime and confirm the legitimacy of self-defense for Iran’s youth against the IRGC.”

Among the speakers of Thursday’s hearing was Congressman Tom McClintock (R-CA), who has recently taken the lead and co-sponsored House Resolution 100, supporting the Iranian people’s uprising and Mrs. Maryam Rajavi’s ten-point plan for the future of Iran while rejecting the false concept of return to monarchy in Iran. The H. Res 100 is supported by a 234 members-strong majority of the U.S. House of Representatives.

“The question we ask at this hearing is what can we do here in the United States to stand with them and to materially assist them. We begin today by hearing from them directly. The House of Representatives has before the House Resolution 100, sponsored by 230 members of the House of Representatives. Under this resolution, a majority of the entire membership of the House, representing both political parties and a majority of the American people, express support for the Iranian people and their struggle for a democratic, secular, and non-nuclear Iran and condemn the violations of human rights and the state-sponsored terrorism of the Iranian regime,” Rep. McClintock said.

“This resolution serves as a strong statement that the people of the United States want Iran’s corrupt regime held accountable for its crimes against the people of Iran and for its sponsorship of terrorism around the world. Even just recently, South Carolina and Arizona state legislatures passed a resolution that expressed support for H. Res. 100,” he added.

Congressman Ruben Gallego (D-AZ) attributed the support of a bi-partisan majority of the U.S. House of Representatives to Mrs. Rajavi’s “tenacity and determination over 25 years,” which have “generated this kind of bipartisan support and respect.”

“Those who are here in this room, faces of whom I’ve seen over the years, and I’ve seen tears as well, but yet their tears have not kept them from being present and active and ensuring that there is no silence, deadening silence, but as my colleagues have said, that there have been voices for freedom,” Congressman Gallego added.

Addressing the hearing, Congressman Steve Cohen (D-TN) applauded the Iranian diaspora for their efforts to be the voice of their compatriots. “It is inspiring to see your continual and strong representation and advocacy on behalf of those who have not made it out of Iran, who are there under this repressive regime. You have been courageous, you have been tenacious, and I admire you,” he said.

Congressman Cohen emphasized the need to give “Iran’s people the knowledge that we support them. It’s bipartisan, and it’s strong, and it’s for a democratic, secular, democratic, nuclear-free Iran.”

Recalling his trip to Paris and attending the NCRI’s “Free Iran Summit,” Congressman Danny Davis (D-IL), who spoke next, called that gathering the “the most inspirational, as well as the largest attended meeting that I’ve ever been to in my life.”

“I couldn’t believe that there were that many people there. And from that moment on, I recognized that there was a tremendous effort underway to free the people of Iran. To provide and bring to it a kind of leadership that believes in democracy, freedom, equal rights, and participation of all,” Congressman Davis added.

Other participants of the hearing joined their colleagues in supporting the Iranian Resistance’s efforts, particularly those of Mrs. Rajavi, in being the voice of people inside Iran.

“I want to echo my colleagues’ comments. Madam Rajavi, we’re so proud to know you and to see you, and to be able to support you. What you’re doing is vital. We in Texas understand a fight for liberty like few others do. Madam Rajavi has taken it upon herself to represent the fight for freedom and liberty, not just for the girls and the women, which is extremely important for all Iranians,” said Congressman Randy Weber (R-TX).

Congressman Lance Gooden (R-TX) recalled his visit to Ashraf 3, the home to the Iranian opposition, The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK)) saying that he was “so inspired by the people that I visited with there and their stories, some very sad stories similar to many of your stories here in this room.”

“We stand behind you. We firmly believe in your mission and what you’re trying to accomplish. Your ten-point plan is very reasonable and something that I believe all Americans would be behind if they truly understood it. And it took the time to read it. But I’ll tell you, the people here in Congress, we are paying attention. We support this plan. We support the work you’re doing, Madam Rajavi. And I’m so honored to see you this morning,” he added.

Shahin Gobadi
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This bi-partisan hearing was attended by Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the president-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI).

Article originally published on www.einpresswire.com as (Video) Congressional Hearing on Iran Supports Nationwide Uprising and Organized Resistance