The Trademark Helpline Announces Major Overhaul to Make Essential Service Cost Neutral

The Trademark Helpline Announces Major Overhaul to Make Essential Service Cost Neutral

The Trademark Helpline Announces Major Overhaul to Make Essential Service Cost Neutral

The Trademark Helpline, led by CEO Jonathan Paton, overhauls services for cost-neutrality, leveraging tech and human interaction for trademark protection.

ALTRINCHAM, GREATER MANCHESTER , UNITED KINGDOM, June 4, 2024 / — Jonathan Paton, Founder and CEO of The Trademark Helpline, has today unveiled his vision for the future of trademark help and guidance. While leveraging technology to improve customer experience, Jonathan still believes human interaction, especially in disputes, is essential.

Jonathan claims his team can deliver a five-star service where the quantifiable savings they deliver will negate any subscription fees clients pay for their expertise. We are talking about tangible rewards that benefit:

• The people or companies registering their trademarks.

• Referral partners introducing clients to The Trademark Helpline.

• The owners of those businesses.

The trademark landscape and client service in general have changed dramatically in the last five years. To provide a five-star service, it used to be enough to “stand in front of your client” and give them what they asked for. Nowadays, most companies try to “sit in front of their clients” and work out their current needs. But in the modern business world, to demand market share, you need to “be ahead of your client” and predict their future needs.

“We believe we are doing that for our circa 5,000 clients today, and we intend to triple in size over the next three years, helping the brands we represent do the same,” said Jonathan Paton. “Historically, clients would come to us for help registering their trademark, and we would give them some guidance, occasionally advising on a rebrand, and ensuring their trademark was registered and secured. Typically, we would rarely speak to our clients for 10 years until their trademark was due for renewal unless they wanted to branch out into other geographical regions or add more services or brands to their offering.”

However, with the dawn of the working-from-home entrepreneur, the ease by which people can now set up a business or brand with global reach online has led to increasing brands and opportunities, meaning that passing off and trademark infringement are massively on the rise.

“We used to spend, on average, two hours a year with each client on matters such as oppositions, invalidations, etc. Now, it’s closer to seven hours per annum, and that number only seems to be rising,” Jonathan added.

What has become clear is that many companies and individuals simply cannot afford to be paying Solicitors Fees, IP Attorney Fees, or Trademark Attorney Fees, especially companies with multiple brands to protect or who have limited funding.

“We can’t all be like Nike with an entire internal IP department and outside counsel on retainer. We have always considered ourselves the affordable alternative to a solicitor or trademark attorney. That’s not devaluing what solicitors and trademark attorneys do; we continue to work with some of the top solicitors and attorneys both onshore and globally whenever their services are required. However, we still save our clients both time and money by carrying the heavy lifting for both the experts and our clients. It’s a symbiotic relationship that works well,” Jonathan emphasized.

The Trademark Helpline delivers trademark registration service, support, and expertise. “People forget that Business Owners put a lot of blood, sweat, and tears into their brands. The best brands have passionate founders driving the business to succeed, and to them, the brand represents that vision and struggle,” said Jonathan. “When it comes to my brand, ‘The Trademark Helpline,’ my goal is for every business of every size with a brand, logo, sound, or strapline to protect, to have an affordable trademark representative service at their disposal.”

About The Trademark Helpline

Formerly known as the Trademark Association, The Trademark Helpline was established in 2008 by a group of business owners who recognized the need for a simpler, less time-consuming way to navigate the trademark registration process. We can deal with everything, from the initial research and registration to the ongoing protection of your trademark. We also work with industry-leading partners to make certain that you receive the best possible advice for your situation. Whether you are just starting out or looking to strengthen your brand and grow, we will work with you to ensure all of your trademark needs are met.

Jonathan Paton
The Trademark Helpline
+44 161 833 5400
[email protected]
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