New Data Reveals an Experience Everyone Should try in Their Lifetime: Traveling Alone

Trending: Americans highly recommend solo travel, citing self-discovery, cultural immersion, and meeting new people.

RED LAKE, CANADA, October 12, 2023 / — Experiences you must try at least once in your life are visiting Hawaii, exploring foreign countries, immersing in different cultures, and, most notably, traveling alone. These were Americans’ top travel recommendations based on the latest Nationwide survey of 522 US consumers providing 2088 open-ended responses analyzed and released by Scott and Yanling Sidders.

Out of the people who recommended specific locations, most respondents (68%) recommended visiting places within the US, with Hawaii easily taking the top spot with more than double the frequency as the second spot, the Grand Canyon. Disney World, Las Vegas, New York City, Alaska, and Yellowstone were all relatively close behind.

Out of people who recommended specific experiences, most respondents (32.45%) recommended experiencing a different culture, 29.79% recommended traveling to foreign countries, and 11.70% recommended traveling alone. Many travelers found that they learned so much more when they traveled to places much different from where they lived.

When Americans were asked where they would go with a $15,000 budget to spend on travel, respondents expressed a strong interest in visiting Italy, Japan, France, Australia, and Greece topping the list of preferred destinations abroad. Due to proximity, most international travel from the US is to Mexico and Canada but given enough budget the survey results emphasized Americans’ desire to explore distant regions and experience different cultures.

According to Scott Sidders, co-founder of Scott & Yanling Media Inc.: “Traveling alone ranked surprisingly high, with many people saying there’s just something so freeing about going out on your own and not being tied to what other people want to do. Remember, traveling alone isn’t the same as being alone while you travel. While people agreed that traveling with friends and family is great, many found that on their own, they were more inclined to meet new people and immerse themselves in local cultures and that it was an experience everyone should try at least once in their lives.”

According to Yanling Sidders, co-founder of Scott & Yanling Media Inc.: “The solo travel trend lines up with our personal experiences quite well. My husband Scott came to China on his own, and through that trip, our early relationship formed, eventually leading to our marriage and inspiring us to create our travel website, You never know where a solo trip can take you and who you might meet on those adventures.”

Scott Sidders
Scott & Yanling Media Inc.
[email protected]

Article originally published on as New Data Reveals an Experience Everyone Should try in Their Lifetime: Traveling Alone