Answered Faith Releases New 13 Week Bible Study on the Parables of Jesus

Answered Faith brings yet another low-cost Bible study to the Christian community

MESQUITE, NEVADA, UNITED STATES, June 7, 2024 / — Answered Faith, a Christian organization dedicated to spreading the teachings of Jesus, has announced the release of their latest Bible study program. The 13-week study focuses on the parables of Jesus, providing a deeper understanding of these powerful stories and their relevance to modern life.

The parables of Jesus are some of the most well-known and beloved teachings in the Bible. They are stories that use everyday situations and objects to convey important spiritual lessons. However, many people struggle to fully grasp the meaning behind these parables and how they apply to their own lives. This is where Answered Faith’s new Bible study comes in.

The 13-week program is designed to guide participants through a comprehensive study of the parables of Jesus. Each week, participants will delve into a different parable, exploring its historical context, symbolism, and practical application. The study also includes thought-provoking questions and group discussions to encourage deeper reflection and understanding.

“We are excited to release this new Bible study on the parables of Jesus,” said Pastor Duke Taber, founder of Answered Faith. “Our goal is to help people connect with the teachings of Jesus in a meaningful way. We believe that this study will not only deepen one’s understanding of the parables, but also strengthen their faith and relationship with God.”

The new 13-week Bible study on the parables of Jesus is now available for purchase on Answered Faith’s website. It is suitable for individual or group study and is open to people of all ages and backgrounds. Answered Faith hopes that this study will inspire and empower individuals to live out the teachings of Jesus in their daily lives.

Duke Taber
Answered Faith
+ +1 7026590965
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