A Letter to the Prime Minister of Canada

Growing Momentum in Canada for a National Suicide Prevention Strategy

A letter to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau expressing support for the development of a National Suicide Prevention Strategy.

WASHINGTON DC, DC, UNITED STATES, January 31, 2024 /EINPresswire.com/ — National suicide prevention strategies aim to establish a coordinated and sustained multi-sectoral approach to the prevention of suicide, yet only around 40 countries currently have a formalised national strategy to reduce suicides. Suicide continues be a leading cause of death globally and the world is currently not on track to achieving the one third reduction in suicide mortality rates as laid out in the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Suicide prevention experts and stakeholders from around the world are increasing awareness around the need for national strategies towards preventing suicides through the Partnerships for Life Initiative, established by the International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP). The initiative acts as a global collaborative forum supporting the development of a comprehensive, strategic approach to suicide prevention through National Suicide Prevention Strategies.

Positive calls from within Canada to build on national suicide prevention efforts are part of this growing momentum. A letter to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau , relevant Ministers and all major political parties expressing support for the development of a National Suicide Prevention Strategy to unify and strengthen existing efforts in reducing suicide within the country was signed by 121 leading experts from 30 countries. It was also endorsed by the Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention, Suicide Prevention Ottawa, and all members of the Association of Chairs of Psychiatry in Canada.

The advocacy letter, delivered today to the Prime Minister’s office, emphasizes the opportunity Canada has, as a leading G7 nation, to become a world leader in national suicide prevention. Experts underscored the critical need for a coordinated cross-sectoral strategy, led at the federal level, that addresses the multifaceted challenges surrounding suicide prevention.

Dr Mark Sinyor, Regional Programme Lead for Partnerships For Life in the Americas and Associate Professor at the University of Toronto, is optimistic that the growing efforts within Canada could lead to a National Suicide Prevention Strategy in the near future “We are hopeful that this call will add momentum to Canadian efforts to enhance existing support for suicide prevention like the recent 3-digit (988) national crisis line number. Canada needs a coordinated, whole-of-government approach to suicide prevention and we are now well positioned to make that a reality.”

Dr Mark Sinyor, University of Toronto, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Toronto, Canada

Alongside the Partnerships for Life Initiative, The International Association for Suicide Prevention, continues to promote and advocate for the development of coordinated strategies, or efforts towards them. IASP’s Policy Position recommends that every country should adopt, or make progress towards the adoption of, a national suicide prevention strategy aimed at reducing rates of suicidal behaviour.

“Suicide is a global public health concern, and as experts committed to saving lives, we recognise the significance of a concerted effort on a national level. Efforts such as this from Canada present a real opportunity for positive change.”

Professor Rory O’Connor, President of the International Association for Suicide Prevention



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Notes for editors:

The International Association for Suicide Prevention

The International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP) leads the global effort in suicide prevention having developed an effective forum that is proactive in creating strong collaborative partnerships and promoting evidence-based action in order to reduce the incidence of suicide and suicidal behaviour (www.iasp.info). Established in 1960, IASP is the largest international association dedicated to suicide prevention and to the alleviation of the effects of suicide and collaborates closely with relevant international organisations.

Partnerships For Life

Partnerships for Life, an initiative by the International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP), aims to establish an international collaboration of experts supporting the development of a comprehensive, strategic approach to suicide prevention at a national level. IASPs Policy Position recommends that every country should adopt, or make progress towards the adoption of a national suicide prevention strategy aimed at reducing rates of suicidal behaviour.

Important note: Journalists reporting on this subject are advised to include information on relevant help lines and websites. The following website provides details of Crisis Centres around the globe:

Journalists reporting on this subject are also advised to be mindful of the following guidelines.



Katherine Thomson
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Article originally published on www.einpresswire.com as A Letter to the Prime Minister of Canada