Art Exhibition Champions Land Rights Defenders

Art Exhibition Champions Land Rights Defenders

Acrylic Painting: Nana Osei Bonsu and Community Elders, Benimasi-Boadi Ghana

Voice of Benimasi-Boadi

Indigenous artists and activists converge for a powerful art exhibition and call to action to protect land rights and combat climate change.

COLUMBUS , OHIO, UNITED STATES , July 20, 2024 / — A devastating human rights crisis is unfolding in Ghana’s Ashanti Region. The Asantehene, the traditional ruler of the Ashanti people, and the Kumasi Traditional Council are accused of perpetrating escalating land grabs, forcibly displacing indigenous communities and violating their fundamental rights. Land Rights Defenders Inc. (LRD), a leading human rights organization, is launching an urgent Indiegogo campaign on July 15th to raise awareness and funds to support the victims.

Growing Global Movement Demands Justice and Accountability

Human rights advocate David Reed serves as the campaign’s first backer, symbolizing the growing global movement demanding justice and accountability. Despite Ghana’s Land Act of 2020, designed to protect land rights, the Asantehene is accused of exploiting his influence to seize lands from indigenous communities like Benimasi-Boadi. This flagrant disregard for the law has resulted in:

Forced Displacement: Families are being torn from their ancestral homes and livelihoods, a direct violation of Section 4 of the Land Act, which guarantees security of tenure for all lawful occupants of land.

Violence and Torture: Indigenous leaders and land rights defenders, like Nana Osei Bonsu, are being abducted, criminalized, beaten, and threatened. These acts constitute clear violations of Section 56 of the Land Act, which prohibits the use of violence, intimidation, or coercion in land acquisition.

Abuse of Power: The legal system is allegedly being manipulated to silence dissent. This undermines access to justice for land rights defenders, a concern documented in the Department of State 2023 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices: Ghana

Cultural Erosion: The unique heritage and traditions tied to the land are under threat. The displacement of indigenous communities disrupts their connection to their ancestral lands and cultural practices.

Women and Children Bear the Brunt of the Crisis

LRD emphasizes that women and children are bearing the disproportionate brunt of these abuses. Displacement disrupts family structures, jeopardizes access to education and healthcare, and increases vulnerability to exploitation.

“The Asantehene’s actions are a blatant violation of human rights and a direct attack on the cultural identity of indigenous communities,” said Elizabeth Rand, a representative of Land Rights Defenders Inc. “We are utilizing the power of art to amplify the voices of the voiceless and demand immediate action from the Ghanaian government, the United Nations, and international human rights organizations, all the more concerning in light of the issues raised in the Department of State’s 2023 Human Rights Report on Ghana.”

Art Meets Activism: Raising Awareness and Funds

Land Rights Defenders Inc.’s “Art Meets Activism” Indiegogo fundraiser features a unique collection of artwork created by artists from affected communities. Each piece tells a story of resilience, resistance, and the unyielding spirit of those fighting for their land and heritage.

Sana,” a contributing artist, added, “Art has the power to transcend borders and touch hearts. Through our creations, we are sharing the stories of our people, and we invite the world to stand with us in our fight for justice.”

The Indiegogo Campaign Aims to:

Provide Legal Assistance: Support legal battles against illegal land seizures. LRD will use the funds to hire lawyers, gather evidence, and fight for the rights of displaced communities in court.

Empower Communities: Educate and equip individuals with the knowledge and tools to defend their land rights. This includes workshops on land rights law, community organizing strategies, and non-violent resistance techniques.

Advocate for Change: Lobby for policy reforms that protect indigenous communities. LRD will work with Ghanaian lawmakers and civil society organizations to strengthen the Land Act and ensure its effective implementation.

Raise Global Awareness: Amplify the voices of land rights defenders and expose human rights violations. The campaign will utilize social media, press releases, and artistic expression to bring international attention to the crisis in Ghana.

Join the Movement: Stand with Land Rights Defenders Inc.

By supporting the “Art Meets Activism” Indiegogo fundraiser, you can help Land Rights Defenders Inc. protect indigenous communities in Ghana. Your contribution will go towards:

Supporting legal battles against land grabs.

Educating communities about their land rights.

Advocating for policy reforms that protect indigenous communities.

Raising global awareness about the human rights crisis in Ghana.

Together, we can hold the Asantehene accountable for his actions, preserve cultural heritage, and ensure that all Ghanaians have secure and equitable land rights.

Nana Kwesi Osei Bonsu
Land Rights Defenders Inc.
+1 614-316-4258
email us here

Land Grabs Threaten Indigenous In Ashanti Region- Ghana

Article originally published on as Art Exhibition Champions Land Rights Defenders