Haggis Designs Launches Indiegogo Campaign to Preserve and Innovate Iconic British Red Telephone Boxes

UNITED KINGDOM, March 15, 2024 /EINPresswire.com/ — Today, Haggis Designs, led by passionate inventor and furniture developer Graeme Slaven, also known as ‘hagg1s,’ unveils an ambitious Indiegogo campaign that seeks to save more than just a symbol – it aims to preserve a piece of British history that holds a special place in our hearts.

The Vanishing Symbol of Heritage:

In the heart of the United Kingdom, the iconic red telephone boxes are quietly fading away, with over a thousand set to disappear this year alone.Haggis Designs recognizes the urgency of the situation and is on a mission to preserve these cultural treasures for generations to come.

Innovating History:

Graeme Slaven’s first innovation, the British Phone Booth Dresser, is a testament to creativity and preservation. Inspired by the Famous K6 Red Telephone box, this lite wardrobe is deliberately designed to fit neatly into any house or building. The project has already taken its first steps, creating a perfect-sized replica that graces a restaurant in England, proudly serving as a unique wardrobe.

Funding the Vision:

Haggis Designs aims to raise £20,000 to take their mission to the next level. With support from backers, they plan to collaborate with CAD designers and product developers in Boston to craft 3D CAD drawings, laying the foundation for their own series of telephone boxes with innovative designs.

Beyond Wardrobes:

The campaign envisions crafting bar and liquor cabinets, fully functional with built-in fridges, and customizable with graphics, such as the UK flag. These unique designs will add a touch of British elegance to homes and establishments, offering a new way to enjoy the iconic red box.

Charitable Initiative:

Haggis Designs plans to collaborate with the charity organization “Missed a Beat” to install defibrillator units (AEDs) in telephone boxes, strategically placed in communities globally. This initiative aims to make the world a safer place and ensures these symbols of British heritage become beacons of hope.

Founder’s Journey:

Graeme Slaven, a proud Scot and lifetime inventor, faced setbacks due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Now, he’s ready to share his latest concept with the world and is seeking creative project backers to fund the first set of handmade prototypes ready to sell globally.

Join the Movement:

Supporters are invited to be a part of preserving history and supporting innovation. Visit to contribute and share in the journey of Preserving British History: Redefining Iconic Telephone Boxes for a Brighter Future campaign

About Preserving British History Campaign:

Preserving British History is a creative initiative led by Graeme Slaven (‘hagg1s’) to preserve and innovate the iconic red telephone boxes of the United Kingdom. The campaign aims to transform these symbols of heritage into functional art pieces.

About Graeme Slaven (‘hagg1s’):

Graeme Slaven, also known as ‘hagg1s’ in the online community, is a proud Scot and a lifetime inventor/re-designer with a passion for preserving cultural heritage through innovative furniture development.



Graeme Slaven
Haggis Design
[email protected]

Article originally published on www.einpresswire.com as Haggis Designs Launches Indiegogo Campaign to Preserve and Innovate Iconic British Red Telephone Boxes