Nate Cain, West Virginia’s 2nd District Candidate for Congress, Takes Stand to Hold Military Leaders Accountable for Violating Their Oath of Office

Cain Pledges in Open Letter, with 200+ Military Veterans and Active-Duty Service Members, to Bring Justice to Those Military Leaders & Public Officials Who Cast Aside the Constitutional Rights of 1.3 Million Service Members In Forced Experimental Vaccine Mandate

CHARLESTON, W.Va., Jan. 4, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Nate Cain, a Republican candidate for Congress in West Virginia‘s 2nd District, is an original signer of the pledge to hold military leaders accountable for the vaccine mandate. This pledge comes as a response to the Biden administration’s policy that all military personnel must be vaccinated against COVID-19 with an experimental vaccine. The vaccine forced upon the military had not been approved before given to our armed forces.

Cain, a former U.S. Army veteran, has been a vocal advocate for the rights and freedoms of military personnel. He believes that the forced and coerced use of experimental vaccines on service members is illegal and a gross violation of the Constitution. “I am proud to stand with my brothers and sisters at arms to honor the oath we’ve sworn,” said Cain. “Accountability is coming for those who violated theirs. It’s going to be prophetic.”

Along with more than 200 active service members and veterans led by Robert A. Green, Jr., an active duty Navy Commander and author of “Defending the Constitution Behind Enemy Lines,” Cain pledges to hold military leaders accountable for the vaccine mandate. It has gained support from fellow veterans, members of the military community, and notable figures, such as General Flynn, Rep. Matt Gaetz, Rep. Andy Biggs, and Rep. Margorie Taylor Greene.

In the open letter written by Green, Cain emphasized the actions that he and 231 veterans and active service members have pledged to do. It was important to Cain that this letter acknowledged the need for God’s help and that all the actions they pledged to do was in accordance with the law.

As the 2024 elections approach, Cain’s pledge and stance on the vaccine mandate for military leaders is bold and a key issue in his campaign. He believes that it is crucial for elected officials to stand up for the rights and freedoms of those who serve and protect our country. “I am committed to fighting for the rights of our military members and holding those in power accountable for their actions,” said Cain, “as there are potential repercussions on the future of our nation’s armed forces and to national security.”

The original 231 signatures were solidified in this document as an article of history. They have opened a petition for the American people to support this effort: Declaration of Military Accountability 


Nate Cain for Congress
Communications Director
[email protected]

Nate Cain is a veteran and the FBI Federal Whistleblower written about in the Daily Caller. He submitted evidence to the DOJ IG, referenced in the Durham Report, page 78. Nate Cain is a Cyber Security Expert and founder of Cain & Associates. He worked extensively on election integrity, having been called on as an expert witness and cyber forensic investigator by Donald Trump‘s White House in the 2020 election. Nate Cain stands firmly with Donald Trump and endorses him for President of the United States. Cain is running as a Republican, the true Conservative candidate for US Congress in WV-2, DONATE @NateCain4WV. #RaisingCain #2024Accountability

Military Service:

SOURCE Nate Cain for Congress

Nate Cain, Candidate for Congress, WV-2

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