HOME SWEET HOME – New Urban Spoken Word Poetry by Poet DEOL: A Conscientious Voice for the Voiceless

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA, UNITED STATES, November 30, 2023 /EINPresswire.com/ — In an era where the power of words resonates more than ever, Poet DEOL, the visionary behind Poetry Global and the acclaimed author of “The Resistance Collection,” ( announces the release of his first ‘spoken word’ poetry. This new urban work continues his tradition of using poetry as a medium to highlight critical social issues and give a voice to those silenced by injustice.

About the Poetry

This latest piece by Asian artist Poet DEOL is a profound and moving expression of the human condition, confronting harsh realities with a blend of passion and sensitivity. It sheds light on the struggles faced by individuals in the shadows of societal systems, often ignored and unheard. Where they have been imprisoned illegally without due process, The poetry is a testament to DEOL’s commitment to conscientious artistry, challenging listeners to reflect and act.

Excerpt from the Poetry:

So troubled are the citizens currently

That in their desperation

Their intellect has abandoned them.

On every corner, a new holy magician arises

Promising the latest round of grand illusions of nirvana

But in actual fact only assisting in ‘hellifying’

Further still, a decaying paradise.

These powerful lines encapsulate the essence of the poetry, speaking to the heart of injustice and the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity. The poem was dedicated to Jaggi Johal, a U.K citizen currently being held in Indian prison and many others like him held in prisons across the world without legal process. Jaggi has been detained since 2017.

In May 2022, the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention declared his detention arbitrary and unlawful under international law. The Working Group determined that Jagtar’s detention “lacks [a] legal basis”, was based on “discriminatory grounds” owing to his faith and his “status as a human rights defender”, and that Jagtar was “subjected to torture”.

About Poet DEOL

Poet DEOL is a name synonymous with impactful and evocative poetry. His poetry platforms serve as a home for poets worldwide to share their voices and perspectives. His previous work, “The Resistance Collection,” cantered around the largest protest in history, has been celebrated for its poignant and powerful commentary on social and political issues. This latest work is a venture into a new genre. This spoken word is recorded in an urban contemporary way, with a view of resonating with a younger audience.


The spoken word and written poetry is available from www.poetryglobal.com and www.deolfoundation.org It invites a broad audience to engage with themes that are crucial in today’s world.

Deol Foundation
[email protected]

Article originally published on www.einpresswire.com as SPOKEN WORD – U.K CITIZEN FACING THE DEATH PENALTY IN INDIA FOR ‘ALLEGED’ TERROR CHARGES