Early Waitlisters get a Free Coaching Session

Early Waitlisters get a Free Coaching Session

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Medha Nicky Rishi, Founder, MissPoppins

Medha Nicky Rishi, Founder, MissPoppins

With MissPoppins’s app launch scheduled for July 2023, an enticing pre-launch offer allows waitlisted individuals to get a free 30-minute coaching session.

Parenting is an extraordinary journey. Through laughter and tears, I will unwaveringly be your ally and unlock your full potential as a parent. Together, we will rewrite the story of modern parenting.”

— Medha Nicky Rishi, Founder, MissPoppins

PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA, USA, July 19, 2023/EINPresswire.com/ — Prelude to Launch: MissPoppins Rewards Early Waitlisters with a Free Coaching Session

In the fast-paced digital age, parents are often required to juggle their hectic lifestyle while ensuring the best for their little ones. Unlike the traditional support system that grandparents once offered, today’s parents must often navigate the complex world of parenting largely unaided. It’s a landscape fraught with challenges, especially for first-time parents. Enter MissPoppins, an innovative platform preparing for its pre-launch, keen to support and empower parents across the nation in their crucial child-rearing role.

The escalating demand for comprehensive parental support is an issue MissPoppins is poised to address. As highlighted in a CDC report, a staggering 84% of new parents in 2022 experienced overwhelming feelings due to a lack of reliable guidance resources.

With MissPoppins’s pre-launch already underway and the full launch scheduled for July, an enticing pre-launch offer is rolled out. Individuals who join the waitlist are eligible for a free 30-minute coaching session with a qualified child care/ baby care coach, or a parent coach. This initiative is just one-way MissPoppins aims to revolutionize the parenting sphere.

MissPoppins firmly believes that expert coaches can provide essential navigation through the intricate labyrinth of parenting. Each coach is meticulously selected for their wealth of knowledge and experience in child development and parenting strategies.

While the countdown to July’s launch continues, MissPoppins already provides a variety of resources on its website, including informative articles and videos. These resources offer a comprehensive understanding of parenting aspects, accessible to everyone. However, the privilege of booking coaching sessions is exclusively available to app users, who can peruse the list of coaches and sessions at their convenience.

Nicky Rishi, the founder of MissPoppins, strongly believes in the adage, “It takes a village to raise a child”. She stated, “The need for a parenting village is more acute than ever in our fast-paced society. Our goal is to provide that village digitally, equipping parents with the necessary resources, guidance, and support they need to foster their children.”

As the anticipation for the July launch builds, MissPoppins isn’t just launching a platform; it’s creating a community. A community where parents are acknowledged, supported, and educated. An open invitation extends to all current and prospective parents to join this nurturing digital village.

While MissPoppins gears up to the launch, the invite to parents is simple yet impactful: Register now. Join the waitlist. In doing so, you’ll secure a free 30-minute session with a professional coach and gain access to a trove of resources at MissPoppins.

MissPoppins is poised to redefine the landscape of digital parenting support. With a strong commitment to foster an empowered parenting community, this is just the beginning.

Embark on an enlightened parenting journey with MissPoppins. For those keen to explore this unique platform and its offerings, visit https://www.MissPoppins.io

Medha Nicky Rishi
MissPoppins, Inc
[email protected]
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Article originally published on www.einpresswire.com as Early Waitlisters get a Free Coaching Session