LEGAL NOTICE: If you purchased skincare products distributed and sold by Dr. Dennis Gross Skincare, LLC labeled as C + Collagen, a action lawsuit may affect your rights

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LOS ANGELES, June 30, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — This Notice is being issued by the Court-appointed Class Administrator and was authorized by order of the United States District Court, Central District of California, in Mocha Gunaratna, et al. v. Dr. Dennis Gross Skincare, LLC., Case No. 2:20-cv-02311 – MWF-GJS.

Who is Included? You are a Class Member if you purchased, in the State of California, any Dr. Dennis Gross Skincare, LLC product labeled as C + Collagen Deep Cream, C + Collagen Eye Cream, C + Collagen Vitamin C Serum, or the C + Collagen Mist (the “Products“) for personal use and not for resale during March 10, 2016, to April 4, 2023 (collectively referred to as the “Class” or “Class Members”). The detailed Notice available at defines the Class more precisely.

What is this Case About? Plaintiffs allege that: (1) Dr. Dennis Gross Skincare owns, manufactures, and distributes Products labeled as “C + Collagen” and purporting to contain collagen, when in reality, the Products do not contain any collagen; (2) Class Members lost money in the form of the price premium they paid for Products which falsely claim to contain collagen— that is, had they known that the Products did not contain collagen, they would not have purchased the Products, let alone paid a “premium” for such a valued benefit. Plaintiffs seek injunctive relief, restitutionary, actual, statutory, compensatory, and punitive damages, as well as reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs.

Dr. Dennis Gross Skincare’s “C + Collagen” line is labeled “vegan” and “cruelty free”; therefore, Dr. Dennis Gross Skincare denies that the Product labeled “C + Collagen” contain any animal parts, including collagen. Instead, Dr. Dennis Gross Skincare contends that the Products contain Vitamin C, which promotes production of collagen in human skin, among other arguments. In addition, the plus sign in the Products’ name and Dr. Dennis Gross Skincare’s logo denotes the clinical nature of the Products. Dr. Dennis Gross Skincare denies that it charged a premium and asserts that consumers suffered no harm because they received what they paid for.

What are Your Options? To stay in this litigation, do nothing, to keep the possibility of getting money or benefits that may come from the lawsuit. But, you give up your right to sue Dr. Dennis Gross Skincare separately about the same legal claims in this lawsuit, and you will be bound by the Court’s decisions and by the final judgment, whether it is favorable or not. To exclude yourself, you must deliver your personally signed Opt-Out request postmarked by August 14, 2023, to the Class Administrator, PO Box 3637 Baton Rouge, LA 70821. By excluding yourself from this lawsuit, you will not get any benefits from the lawsuit, but you will keep your right to sue Dr. Dennis Gross Skincare in a separate lawsuit for these claims with a different lawyer. A judgment in the lawsuit, whether favorable or not, will bind all Class Members who do not request exclusion. If you do not request exclusion, you may enter an appearance through your own attorney.

How Do You Get More Information? This Notice is only a summary. To obtain a detailed Notice and additional information, visit


SOURCE Dr. Dennis Gross Skincare Lawsuit Class Administrator

Originally published at–collagen-a-class-action-lawsuit-may-affect-your-rights-301868471.html
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